The Photography of Billy & Hells
Description de l’éditeur
Billy & Hells' photographs exist in a world in in-betweens. Their deceptively simple, straightforward portraits convey a certain complexity. The archetypal characters depicted in their photographs–mothers, soldiers, cowboys, nurses, and teachers–possess an underlying sense of mystery, hinting at the duality of the sitter as well as the fictional world they inhabit.
Although Billy & Hells' images call upon historical and art historical references, their portraits are not burdened by the stipulations of historical recreations. Instead, seamlessly blending past and present, reality and fantasy, their photographs become a nostalgic diary, purposefully left open for interpretation.
Wonderland catalogues and presents the current available collections being offered as fine-art photographs through The Fahey/Klein Gallery.
Avis d’utilisateurs
Good job
Une très belle source d’imagination, très belle realisation