
Cuentos (muy) cortos [(Very) Short Stories] (Unabridged) Cuentos (muy) cortos [(Very) Short Stories] (Unabridged)
Angeloaforismos y Reflejos aforísticos del Espejo, Qué sabe de sí el espejo [Angelo-Aphorisms and Aphoristic Reflections of the Mirror, What Does the Mirror Know about Itself?] (Unabridged) Angeloaforismos y Reflejos aforísticos del Espejo, Qué sabe de sí el espejo [Angelo-Aphorisms and Aphoristic Reflections of the Mirror, What Does the Mirror Know about Itself?] (Unabridged)
Short Stories of Fugacious Reading...and Permanent Amazement: The Unpublished Short-Stories More Extraordinary (TinyStory) (Unabridged) Short Stories of Fugacious Reading...and Permanent Amazement: The Unpublished Short-Stories More Extraordinary (TinyStory) (Unabridged)
Breves Relatos de Fugaz Lectura…y Permanente Asombro: Los Inéditos Relatos Cortos Más Extraordinarios [Short Stories of Fleeting Reading...and Permanent Astonishment: The Most Extraordinary Unpublished Short Stories] (Unabridged) Breves Relatos de Fugaz Lectura…y Permanente Asombro: Los Inéditos Relatos Cortos Más Extraordinarios [Short Stories of Fleeting Reading...and Permanent Astonishment: The Most Extraordinary Unpublished Short Stories] (Unabridged)