Enneagram Type 9: What You Need to Know About the Peacekeeper (Enneagram Personality Types) (Unabridged)
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- £7.99
Publisher Description
Have you always been curious about your personality type?
Did you ever try to analyze your behavioral pattern in connection to your thought processes?
Have you ever wondered how others perceive you?
Do you always go out of your way to spread love and harmony?
Is maintaining peace in your surroundings your main goal?
If this reflects you, then this audiobook is for you!
This audiobook covers every detail about the Enneagram personality type nine, the peacemaker. They are easygoing and always want to maintain peace in the world around them. They are creative and hate conflict, since it disturbs their inner peace.
In this audiobook, you will:
Learn about the Enneagram type nine personality and its main attributes
Learn more about the Enneagram personality system in detail
Discover your personality and core values
Discover your tendencies during times of conflict and learn to overcome stressful situations
Master your behavior during your integration or disintegration with other types
Discover your type’s strengths and weaknesses, along with its conjunction with other types
Master ways to grow and attain self-improvement
Knowing more about the Enneagram type nine is beneficial not only for enthusiasts, but for type nine individuals as well.
Buy now. And make a difference by discovering new levels of growth and great inner peace!