
The Ghost in Our Genes: Legal and Ethical Implications of Epigenetics. The Ghost in Our Genes: Legal and Ethical Implications of Epigenetics.
Increasing Consent for Organ Donation: Mandated Choice, Individual Autonomy, And Informed Consent. Increasing Consent for Organ Donation: Mandated Choice, Individual Autonomy, And Informed Consent.
A Public Health Perspective on Health Care Reform. A Public Health Perspective on Health Care Reform.
Medical Futility, Patient Autonomy, And Professional Integrity: Finding the Appropriate Balance. Medical Futility, Patient Autonomy, And Professional Integrity: Finding the Appropriate Balance.
Born by the Woman, Caught by the Midwife: The Case for Legalizing Direct-Entry Midwifery in All Fifty States. Born by the Woman, Caught by the Midwife: The Case for Legalizing Direct-Entry Midwifery in All Fifty States.
Confidentiality of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment Information for Emergency Department and Trauma Center Patients. Confidentiality of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment Information for Emergency Department and Trauma Center Patients.