Building Better Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Is Broad-Spectrum Treatment More Effective Than Motivational-Enhancement Therapy for Alcohol-Dependent Patients Treated with Naltrexone *?(Report) Building Better Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Is Broad-Spectrum Treatment More Effective Than Motivational-Enhancement Therapy for Alcohol-Dependent Patients Treated with Naltrexone *?(Report)
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The Predictive Validity of the Survey of Readiness for Alcoholics Anonymous Participation * (Report) The Predictive Validity of the Survey of Readiness for Alcoholics Anonymous Participation * (Report)
Cocaine Craving As a Predictor of Treatment Attrition and Outcomes After Residential Treatment for Cocaine Dependence *. Cocaine Craving As a Predictor of Treatment Attrition and Outcomes After Residential Treatment for Cocaine Dependence *.
A Comparison of Factors Associated with Substance-Induced Versus Independent Depressions * (Report) A Comparison of Factors Associated with Substance-Induced Versus Independent Depressions * (Report)