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Carrie's Corner (Personal Account‪)‬

New Mexico Nurse 2009, Oct-Dec, 54, 4

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Each year about this time I see tarantulas migrating South on State Highway 14 as I drive to Albuquerque, and yesterday I spotted a lovely specimen making her way down the middle of the Northbound lane yesterday, so Autumn approaches. We are watching the Health Care Reform issues in Washington and across the country, just as we watch the cottonwoods start to turn gold, but is that all we are doing--watching? I hope not. NMNA has supported a single-payer plan since the late 90's, and ANA has been working toward health care for all since 1992. Our Constitution says that we have inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Doesn't that make health care is a human right, and to be a just and fair nation we must get health care reform done? As nurses we have all seen results of delayed care, lack of adequate health insurance, and the devastation to families because of huge health care bills. We must call or write our congressman and two senators about what is needed to cover every single person in the US. YOU know that to protect our entire population everyone should have health coverage ... it is the herd-effect. Immunizing every one, treating everyone with illnesses increases the productivity of the workforce, which improves our bottom line as a whole. To contact your US Congress representative and Senators, this website might be of interest: Put in your zipcode and it lists them--when you click on their names, the Washington office address and phone number appears.

Business & Personal Finance
1 October
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