Factors Affecting High Mortality Rates of Dairy Replacement Calves and Heifers in the Tropics and Strategies for Their Reduction (Survey)
Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2011, Sept, 24, 9
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INTRODUCTION The tropics is not an ideal place to rear young dairy stock. The harsh tropical climate introduces many animal health issues to dairy stock, particularly young calves (Aiumlamai, 1999). Furthermore in many countries, the type of dairy farming, generally poorly resourced small holder production systems (Moran, 2009), and the lack of awareness of the long term implications of poorly reared young stock (Moran and McLean, 2001), does not encourage farmers to pay close attention to their calf rearing systems.
Key Performance Indicators to Diagnose Poor Farm Performance and Profitability of Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Asia (Report)
Beef Cattle Science Handbook, Vol. 20
New trends for innovation in the Mediterranean animal production
Sheep And Goat Handbook, Vol. 4
Economic Opportunity Small Scale Dairy Farms at Keren Sub Zone of Eritrea
Analysis and Classification of Nutritional, Husbandry and Health Related Parameters to Define Specialist Dairy Farming (Report)
The Influence of Dietary Characteristics on the Milk Quantity and Quality of Riverine Buffaloes: Estimate of the Energy/Protein Requirements, For a Medium-High Production, In the First Ninety Days of Lactation (Report)
Direct-Fed Microbials for Ruminant Animals (Report)
Effect of Particle Size of Forage in the Dairy Ration on Feed Intake, Production Parameters and Quantification of Manure Index (Report)
Pineal-Adrenal Relationship: Modulating Effects of Glucocorticoids on Pineal Function to Ameliorate Thermal-Stress in Goats (Report)
Improvement of Fermentation and Nutritive Quality of Straw-Grass Silage by Inclusion of Wet Hulless-Barley Distillers' Grains in Tibet.
Genetic Analysis of Pre-Weaning and Post-Weaning Growth Traits of Mecheri Sheep Under Dry Land Farming Conditions (Report)