He Will Come Again He Will Come Again

He Will Come Again

Publisher Description

He Will Come Again is a thoroughly modernized revision of the Victorian classic, He Will Come, by Stephen H. Tyng Jr. D.D.. Tyng's systematic eschatology is now an easy to read end-times study that will strengthen and encourage anyone who earnestly awaits the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are strengthened with hope when we trust in the promised return of the Lord Jesus Christ. He said, "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also" (John 14: 2-3).

Here is irrefutable scriptural support for a Dispensational, Pre-Millennial and Pre-Tribulation Rapture theology. Tyng expresses the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ as truly glorious. It is to our great misfortune that this tone is rarely preached in American pulpits today. Tyng reminds us of the glorious majesty that is our God and Savior Jesus Christ.

I took on the task to modernize this book simply to ensure that it would be preserved to encourage another generation to live in the light of the truth and the hope of our Lord’s return. The original Victorian English, though very beautiful, is grammatically archaic, and will often bog down the modern reader. I applied many of the same translation rules used by those who modernized the Old King James Bible. Particular care was taken to consider each line, so as to retain Tyng’s intended meaning. The original third person pronouns were changed to either first person plural or second person singular depending upon the context. This created a more modern and intimate rendering that better expresses Tyng’s intention for this to be a book of “Meditations Upon The Return Of The Lord Jesus Christ To Reign Over The Earth.”

Religion & Spirituality
17 January
Greg Nelson

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