Humanism - The 10 Most Asked Questions
Plus 75 Other Short Q's and A's
Publisher Description
John Sias is the author of seven books, among them 100 Questions That Non-Members Ask About Unitarian Universalism which has sold 35,000 copies. A former writer for the Boston office of the Associated Press, he was CEO of the Nashua, NH Chamber of Commerce and later served as president of the New England Assn. of Chamber of Commerce Executives.
A founder of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program in Nashua, Sias was its first president and first Big Brother. He adopted his Little Brother when Chris was 25, but first had to successfully argue for a change in a state law to do so. He and his wife have been foster parents to two boys.
The Greater Nashua United Way named Sias its Volunteer of the Year in 1997. He was the founder in 2005 and first president of the NH Prostate Cancer Coalition. The NH Charitable Foundation presented him its Humanitarian award in 2008, and also in that year, the Nashua Chamber of Commerce awarded him its “Citizen of the Year.” A graduate of Colgate University and Boston University, he is the father of two daughters and his adopted son. He has twice been a guest on the TODAY show.