Julius Caesar
A Reproduction from the Original 1623 First Folio
- £1.99
Publisher Description
This facsimile edition of Julius Caesar is taken from the large and handsome book known simply as the ‘First Folio’. This is the earliest collected edition of Shakespeare’s plays and was was printed in 1623, just seven years after his death.
For students of Julius Caesar, going back to these First Folio plays is an essential part of a more complete understanding of Shakespeare's work.
Eighteen of Shakespeare’s plays had already been published in the small, cheap format known as quartos during his lifetime, including such favourites as A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. The First Folio added another eighteen, including Macbeth, The Tempest and Twelfth Night all of which are indispensable to the modern repertory. Without the First Folio only half of Shakespeare’s dramatic output would have survived.
Julius Caesar is one of Shakespeare's tragedies and tells of the plotting and assassination of emperor Julius Caesar in 44BC. Shakespeare drew from Sir Thomas North's translation of Plutarch's 'Life of Brutus and Life of Caesar' for the play, but changed much of the historical detail. The play is believed to have been written in 1599.
This is an enhanced eBookTreasures facsimile edition which includes a speech from the play performed with 17th century pronunciation, allowing you to hear the play as Shakespeare would.