Kamishibai Boards: A Visual Management Tool to Improve 5S and Create Effective Habits
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- £0.99
Publisher Description
Create More Effective Habits
If you need to increase your effectiveness in the workplace and need a visual management tool to help with day to day task management then this short guide is for you.
Giles Johnston, a business improvement consultant, takes you through the steps needed to implement a low / no cost solution to your day to day management problems - a 'Kamishibai' board.
A Kamishibai board can help to improve discipline within the workplace and ensure that the working days / weeks / months are more effective.
Great for 5S and Day To Day Office Management
Common within businesses that use 'lean' methods to improve efficiency and performance (and very effective to use when implementing 5S), a Kamishibai board can be used in its own right, in any kind of business, whether you are going through a lean transformation or not.