Leadership Virtuosity
New and Revised Edition
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Thayer always serves up a seven-course meal, and Leadership Virtuosity is a great banquet! (Chris Comeaux, president/CEO, Four Seasons).
What you have in your hands is the most unique and potent book on leadership you could lay your hands on. It introduces the concept of virtuosity as the crowning achievement in all leadership. In these twenty lessons, Lee Thayer, one of the worlds leading consultants, brings you the building blocks for becoming a virtuoso leader:
1. The lucky leader
2. The good leader
3. The real-world leader
4. The imaginative leader
5. The trustworthy leader
6. The triangulating leader
7. The articulate leader
8. The responsible leader
9. The defining leader
10. The caring leader
11. The accomplishment-minded leader
12. The learning leader
13. The seductive leader
14. The intolerant leader
15. The potent leader
16. The omnipresent leader
17. The frugal leader
18. The strategic leader
19. The passionate leader
20. The performing leader
You will return again and again to the wisdom you can partake here. You may be challenged but rewarded all at the same time. As one reviewer puts it, The son of a gun made me think. Thats what Dr. Thayer aims to do in this book. Becoming a virtuoso requires mastery of the basics. Beyond that, it requires a new and different way of thinking about the role of a leader. This book provides that in a provocative but practical wayas only the virtuoso executive coach and consultant Lee Thayer could do it.