Lord of the Files
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Publisher Description
They say if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. But what if you don't get to do what you love, what then? You can end up trapped, that's what, stuck in some soul-sucking job in a cubicle hell-hole doing God knows what just to pay the rent and the grocery bill.
This novel is for anyone who likes a good laugh, particularly those of you who have spent many of your precious hours trapped in a technical work place or a corporate cube farm.
In the comic novel Lord of the Files, Matt O'Neill takes a dark and humorous journey into the heart of nerdness, the technical workplace, and finds himself on the receiving
end of one of the darkest and dirtiest nerd tricks of all time. Matt learns the hard way that in the modern world, the internet truly is everywhere and that a man who enflames the nerds against him risks not just his sanity, but his very existence.
If you were amused by the movie Office Space, you could think of this book as Office Space on acid in a literary format.