On the Trail of the Holographic Universe On the Trail of the Holographic Universe

On the Trail of the Holographic Universe

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Publisher Description

The mystery of the universe is fascinating and stimulates our curiosity. Over the centuries, humanity has embarked on a journey of discovery in search of answers about its origin, the workings of the cosmos, and the nature of reality itself. Quantum physics, one of the most revolutionary scientific disciplines of our time, has shed new light on the understanding of the universe and opened the door to the concept of a holographic universe.
This book explores in depth the revolutionary vision that all reality can be represented as a three-dimensional image projected onto a two-dimensional surface. The various visions of the holographic universe developed throughout history are analyzed, highlighting the discoveries, theories and significant quotes from scholars and scientists who have contributed to this understanding. This book pushes us to consider the bold idea that all of reality may be an intricate interplay of information and challenges the very foundations of our understanding in the fields of physics and cosmology. In the various chapters, the ideas of geniuses such as David Bohm, Stephen Hawking and many other famous physicists and philosophers, who contributed significantly to the development of the theory of the holographic universe, are exposed and commented on. From historical context to the latest scientific research, each chapter offers a complete and in-depth overview of the different facets of this revolutionary theory.
The reader encounters concepts such as black hole thermodynamics, string theory, the geometry of holographic space-time, and fundamental principles of information. Everything is explained in a simple and understandable way, without any use of mathematical formulas or algorithms.
"On the trail of the holographic universe" is an invitation to look beyond our traditional limits of perception and to explore the hidden depths that underlie the reality in which we live. Any science enthusiast, committed scholar or simply curious thirsty for knowledge will be accompanied through a fascinating and evocative journey into the heart of holographic ideas.
The author is an expert in disseminating topics related to quantum metaphysics. This allows him to present objectively and in a simple and understandable style the knowledge gained over a decade of studies, which has already led to the publication of numerous books and various contributions.

Science & Nature
1 June
Bruno Del Medico Editore
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