Presence: Live without Dependency
Publisher Description
Of course, you’ve heard it all before: the nth book on instant happiness, you think.
This book is different: the influence of thought in us is exactly what we will leave behind here.
No entry fee, no occult organization where you have to go through stages to get nowhere, no Mumbai jumbo (as a reviewer of one of my other books said), no stories, no things to buy, no courses to follow, no sacred places to go.
You don’t have to leave your current environment to be happy: right here, where you are now, suffices to begin, start this journey within yourself.
This book will lead you to the right door this time, where you haven’t looked before because everybody else says to look out there.
This one guides you inwardly, right back, into your own heart.
Live life light and effortless.
In presence, right here, without dependency.
Enjoy it.