Professional Presentations: Methods For Public Speaking
- £3.49
- £3.49
Publisher Description
The point of a presentation is to persuade people to adopt your ideas. You may think that a strong argument and undeniable facts will do the convincing for you, but by some glitch in the human mind, facts alone fail to persuade.
This presentation skills book will enable you not only to prepare mentally for your public speaking but also to understand the psychology and neuroscience of your audience so that you can present in a way that appeals to the nature of the human brain.
The same presentation or class can get you a standing ovation or a cold unsympathetic audience depending on the way it’s delivered and the context in which it’s delivered, so you have to pay attention to the basic psychological factors. Even if you gave the same presentation to the same group of people, in a different context they might interpret your words and body language differently, as they may approach it with a different mindset, together with a different set of beliefs and expectations.