Recovering the Forgotten: The Effects of September 11th on Undocumented Latin American Victims and Families. Recovering the Forgotten: The Effects of September 11th on Undocumented Latin American Victims and Families.

Recovering the Forgotten: The Effects of September 11th on Undocumented Latin American Victims and Families‪.‬

Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 2004, Jan-July, 29, 57-58

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Publisher Description

Abstract. This article examines the extent to which undocumented immigrant families were able to access funds designated for the victims of September 11th. We take one community-based organization, Asociacion Tepeyac de New York, or the Tepeyac Association of New York, as a case study of an independent agency that attempted to aid Latin American victims and families in meeting their emergency and long-term needs. We focus particularly on those families whose difficulties were the direct result of their irregular immigration status. A qualitative analysis of the factors that either enabled or hindered the families of undocumented victims to access goverment aid are contrasted across six cases, half of which were families residing in New York and half of which were families residing in Latin America. Findings revealed that even the cases with substantive proof were unable to access comparable amounts of government aid made available to other victims of the World Trade Center tragedy. They further illustrate that the unfortunate circumstances of undocumented September 11th victims were particularly salient during this time, but characterized the lives of undocumented immigrants in general whose lack of legal papers render them invisible and incapable of accessing the legal and monetary aid to which they are entitled in US society. Resume. Cet article traite des experiences vecues par les familles d'immigrants sans-papiers dans leurs efforts pour acceder aux fonds de soutien aux victimes du 11 septembre. Notre etude de cas se concentre sur une organisation communautaire independante, " Associacion Tepeyac de New York ", ou l'Association Tepeyac de New York, qui a tente de venir en aide aux victimes latino-americaines, ainsi qu'a leurs familles, afin de repondre a leur situation d'urgence et a leurs besoins a long terme. Nous nous penchons plus particulierement sur les familles dont les difficultes furent le resultat direct de l'irregularite de leur statut migratoire. Une analyse qualitative de six cas, met en lumiere des facteurs qui ont soit permis ou empeches l'acces aux familles des victimes sans-papiers a l'aide gouvernementale. Trois de ces cas impliquent des familles residant dans la ville de New York. Les autres cas concernent des familles residant en Amerique Latine. Les resultats ont revele que meme dans les cas ou des preuves substancielles ont ete soumises, ces dernieres ne recurent pas un montant d'aide gouvernementale comparable a ceux remis aux autres victimes de la tragedie du World Trade Center. De plus, ces cas illustrent bien que durant cette periode, les circonstances accablantes des victimes furent exceptionnelles. Il n'en reste pas moins qu'elles sont tout de meme caracteristiques de la vie des immigrants sans-papiers en general, puisque le fait de ne pas avoir de documents legaux les rend invisibles et incapables d'avoir acces au soutient legal auquel ils ont droit dans la societe americaine.

1 January
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies

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