Spilling the Script: A Concise Guide to Self-Knowing
- £2.49
- £2.49
Publisher Description
Our Lower Selves are all following the same script, and the plot is always the same: to keep us in separation. It’s only by getting to know our true Higher Selves—where we long for deeper connection—that we can change the storyline of our lives.
Now, in Spilling the Script, Jill Loree pulls together the powerful spiritual teachings from the Guide to expose the source of our difficulties and give us the map we need to live authentically and become free from struggle. This concise overview delivers a clear, high-level perspective about self-discovery and healing, which is key for creating harmony, inside and out. For that’s exactly what will happen—we will create inner and outer harmony—when we make contact with our divine core.
Truth is, at the center of our beings, we are already fully healed and walking on sunshine. If that’s not our day-to-day experience, this just points out to us where we still have work to do to clear some clouds. These teachings from the Guide act like rainmakers to empty the air of heaviness and lead us to live on the lighter side of life.
Bit by bit, as we come out of the trance we have been in, we will begin to see cause and effect and to take responsibility for the state of our lives. Gradually, our lives will transform. We will once again sense our essential nature and eternal connectedness with all that is.
“You will find how you cause all your difficulties. You have already stopped regarding these words as mere theory, but the better you progress, the more will you truly understand just how and why you cause your hardships. By so doing, you gain the key to changing your life.”
– Pathwork® Guide, Lecture #78