Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties 隋唐五代 -Story 01-25 V2020 Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties 隋唐五代 -Story 01-25 V2020
Book 9 - Chinese History Story

Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties 隋唐五代 -Story 01-25 V2020

HSK Chinese History Story 中国历史故事 Volume 9/14

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Publisher Description

Chinese Culture Story constituted roughly 20 regimes. However, the Tang dynasty formed a large part of it and played an important role not only in Chinese history as the second imperial age after the Han dynasty, but also in Asia and in world history for its political authority and cultural influence over surrounding countries. China fell into disunity after the collapse of the Han dynasty. The nomads migrated into northern China and mixed with the Han people. The Sui, based on an army made up of mixed ethnic origins, conquered southern China and ended the division. Then, the Tang succeeded the centralized policy of the Sui and successfully built a great empire of wealth and conquest. However, the Tang's decline also resulted in political disintegration. Although the situation deteriorated to the degree that many regimes co‐existed during the Five dynasties, it did not last long until the reunification of the Song dynasty. The origins of the Chinese people go far back in time, and Chinese culture is extensive and rich in nature. It is the traditional Chinese high Regard for history that has made this possible.

中国的史书浩瀚如海,在中国历史上可歌可泣的人物和事件,不可胜数,所以大家常说:一部二十五史,不知从何说起。我们从历代的史书中,以教育性、趣味性、知识性为取材标准,用简洁的文字,将中国历史撷精择要的呈现给读者。Chinese histories are abundant. In Chinese history the stories of glorious and tragic men and events are so numerous that they cannot be counted. Therefore, people often sya, " One does not know where to begin discussing the Twenty-five Histories. " The historical stories are selected from many stroies with clear and simple wording, they present a complete Chinese history concisely to our readers.

Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties 隋唐五代 -Story 01-25 V2020--HSK Chinese History Story 中国历史故事 Volume 9/14
01 序编 Preface 1
序言 2 Preface 2
02 随炀帝开运河 Emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty completed Grand Canal
03 天可汗 Heavenly Khan
04 魏征直谏 Grand Master of Remonstrance
05 文成公主 Princess Wen-cheng
06 女皇武则天 A woman emperor Wu Ze Tian
07 请君入瓮 Please enther the buring crock!
08 玄奘取经 Xuan Zan go to India to study the Buddhist scriptures
09 吴保安救友 Wu Pao-an redeem friend
10 世界中心长安城 Ch'ang-an, the world's of cultural convergence and exchange
11 李白醉酒狂歌 The poetry and wine of the poet Li Bai
12 杜甫忧国忧民 Du Fu Worries about the nation and the People
13 山水画 Schools of landscape painting in Tang dynasty
14 唐日友谊使者阿倍仲麻吕 An outstanding ambassador Nakamaro
15 张巡死守睢阳城 Chang Xun defense to the death
16 郭子仪单骑退敌 Guo Ziyi rides back the enemy alone
17 白居易以诗代政论 Bai Juyi uses poems for politics
18 柳宗元教化西南 Liu Zongyuan educates the Southwest
19 韩愈谏迎佛骨 Han Yu admonishes the receiving the Buddha bone
20 传奇小说 Tang Legendary tale appeared
21 牛李党争 The partisan strife between the Niu and the Li Cliques
22 甘露之变 Sweet Dew Incident
23 女诗人薛涛 Female poet Xue Tao
24 敦煌宝藏 Dunhuang Treasures
25 儿皇帝 Son-emperor Shi Jing Tang
24 祖冲之的圆周率 Zu Chongzhi figure mathematics pi to the 7th decimal place
25 云岗与龙门的石窟 Yungang and Longmen Grottoes
26 法显取经 Faxian travelled to the West to obtain the Buddhist scripture

29 October
Edeo & Legoo Mandarin

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