The Blue Water Voyage of SY Disco Volante The Blue Water Voyage of SY Disco Volante

The Blue Water Voyage of SY Disco Volante

How a family of Armchair Sailors sailed the Atlantic and the Caribbean.

    • £5.49
    • £5.49

Publisher Description

Rounding Cape Agulhas, where the Indian Ocean meets the Atlantic, at the southern-most tip of South Africa, we noticed the wind strength had increased and the sails were filled to capacity, and by nightfall, between Danger Point and Cape Hangklip, we found ourselves in the middle of a Force 9 Gale! This meant that the wind was blowing 40-45 knots and the waves were 25-30 feet, covered in white foam with the spray considerably reducing visibility. The waves pounded the boat and tried to fill the cockpit, totally drenching us. Our very first storm! Would ‘Disco’ cope with this wild and relentless sea? Would we?

This was just one, of a number of unpleasant incidents, experienced while cruising on our 37 ft. yacht from Durban, a large port city on the East coast of Africa and the Indian Ocean, bound for Cape Town. We discovered that all these happenings are character building and never to be forgotten. We certainly were not qualified to undertake the trip at the outset, but we learned along the way.

Happily there were more wonderful experiences than unpleasant ones: many pleasant days when the weather was ideal and sailing accompanied by a large pod of dolphins, were pure magic. The sunrises and sunsets were stunning and the sound of the wind in the sails pushing us steadily forward mile after mile. At night, an endless blanket of stars twinkled overhead.

The interesting cruising community we met along the way, all added to an incredible feeling of freedom, which cruising bestows on one.

The adventure continues as Disco leaves Cape Town to sail the South Atlantic visiting; St Helena Island; Ascension Island; Recife in Brazil (for repairs) Trinidad and Tobago (to leave Disco in a safe haven through the hurricane season) and St John and St Thomas in the U S Virgin Islands, in the beautiful Caribbean - pure paradise for cruising.

In St Thomas, Disco was loaded onto a yacht transporter, which sailed through the Panama Canal and up the coast of North America until it reached Vancouver, Canada.

For 15 years the family worked on their yacht in the garden of their home in Durban. A Cape Town yacht builder produced the hull and the family did the rest over the years.

This is essential and enjoyable reading for all armchair sailors and anyone planning their own sailing adventure on our beautiful oceans.

A number of photos are included, regarding the building of the yacht and of the islands and countries visited, with some interesting facts regarding each one visited.

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