The Gospel of Jesus in Simple English The Gospel of Jesus in Simple English

The Gospel of Jesus in Simple English

Publisher Description

The Gospel of Jesus in Simple English tells how the message of Jesus is the power of God to change the lives of those who become Believers in him. The author uses common English words to tell this story. And that is why he chose the Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) of the Bible for all quotes.

People who are drawn by the Holy Spirit to the story of the Cross sometimes find roadblocks in their way. Sometimes it is the mistaken belief they must know all there is to know about Jesus and the Christian religion in order to be saved. Sometimes they are derailed by all the conflicting denominational creeds. Sometimes people who are desperate for hope and purpose are discouraged by the lives of some existing church people who themselves seem hopeless and without direction. And sometimes searchers are discouraged by all the fighting and fussing between different Christian groups.

This book helps the searcher keep his or her eyes on what really matters. And that is not on church creeds, denomination traditions, family fights or windy TV evangelists. The author of this book encourages each reader to pay attention to Jesus himself. That is what counts.

This book shows exactly how sinners in the first century responded to the Gospel story. The first day the whole idea was explained, right there in Jerusalem, and over 3,000 believed it. They were told to turn away from their evil ways, to be baptized in the name of Jesus, and that they would receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit himself to help them grown in the grace and knowledge of God and his ways. Since then, that simple message has moved millions other searchers to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.

In addition, this book states that the only message which can change one’s life is the Gospel (“Good News”) that salvation is available through Jesus and his work of sacrificing himself on the cross for our sins. A sinner cannot earn his salvation in any way. You cannot be saved by some mystical do-it-yourself plan. Salvation is only possible by a deep-seated belief that Jesus of our Lord (or Master) and our Savior.

It discusses how God is “One,” but with three distinct personalities – God the Father (Jehovah), God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. The author explains that the Bible (Word of God) is an “Owner’s Manual” from God, showing how his love and mercy have always required a response from the one looking for him.

This book shows how sinners in the first century responded to the Gospel story. The first day the whole idea was explained, right there in Jerusalem, and over 3,000 believed it. They were told to turn away from their evil ways, to be baptized in the name of Jesus, and that they would receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit himself to help them grown in the knowledge of God and his ways. Since then, that simple message has moved millions of other searchers to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.

It presents several ideas for Believers (especially new Christians) to love Jesus tomorrow even more than he or she does right now. There is also a long list of useful resources

Religion & Spirituality
18 January
Stan Paregien, Sr

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