The Man on the Park Bench
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Publisher Description
Don McNair wrote for others for forty years. Now retired, he writes mainstream, romance, and young adult fiction for pleasure. This book, his sixth, presents his thirteen top short stories, never before published.
The Man on the Park Bench: What were the dark secrets from his past? And his future?
Beulah's Glow-in-the-Dark Jesus: He was such a nice boy, educated and all. And Beauregard was gone…
Brotherly Love: Jack's big brother had just gotten out of prison and the police were already hounding him. If someone didn't help him, he'd go right back.
Heroes on Parade: A parade wasn't even scheduled. But there it was, and only she and Margaret could see it.
Home in Time: Carl Nichols might be in his nineties, but maybe he could still save his parents.
The Chipmunk Sign: Farmer Ben O'Malley finally visited the ritzy sister who'd abandoned him and their father years ago. But he sure wasn't expecting this.
The CLOSET Apprentice: Where do old sayings come from? This retiring "old sayings" professional is ready to explain it all to his new apprentice.
The Green Bridesmaid Dress: That dress was sure purty and all. But would it do what it was supposed to?
The Liaison: Richard Smith was ready for a midlife fling. Or was he?
The Merit Badge: If Don had earned that merit badge fifty years ago, his life would probably have turned out a whole lot different.
The Old Furniture Polish Warehouse: When Stacey Jenkins' mother ran away with the chemical salesman thirty years ago, she didn't get far.
The Quarantine Flatboat: 1770's pioneer Aaron Reeder thought he knew what love for his young daughter was, until he ran into problems going west on the Tennessee River flotilla to settle the land.