The voice of God The voice of God

The voice of God

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Publisher Description

The true voice of God comes.

The primordial power of life comes, messengers are now amongst us. We have seen the true face of God.  We now know God's true voice. God comes.

Life is a force as real as any other physical force measured, studied and quantified by science.  We can see its existence through observation.  Its manner can be discerned by observing all of nature.  Its direction and future can be revealed by observing its expression, that drive that is present in all living things that are around us.  Many in science today are dismissive of this fact.  Just as in the past many where dismissive of gravity and the existence of genetics and DNA.  Often in science what was once dismissed as conjecture has come to be accepted as fact.

This force, this spirit is a part of the Universe.  It was present at the beginning of creation as real as any other element of that initial Universe.  As such it will be present throughout all of eternity.  While we may wish to comprehend and predict the future course of that eternity we find that we truly can't.  The physical laws that we see in play now will be different as the Universe matures, just as these laws were different at the very beginning so too will they be different at the true end of times.  We will find that there is no need to speculate on that future for it will unfold according to its inherent nature.  We can though observe, question and understand.

Why should you believe me?  I and others have glimpsed that future state of the universe.  While I myself cannot fully comprehend what I have seen, I have seen enough to understand in a small fashion that which is to come.

Fiction & Literature
30 August
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