The Zen of Times The Zen of Times

The Zen of Times

Publisher Description

First and foremost, I would just like to clearly state that fat is not ugly, as most people would preferably perceive. I do want to state, that fat is unhealthy and can cause a multitude of health related problems that are proportionally related to your diet. High blood pressure, coronary ailments, diabetes and other weight related health problems can be clearly be blamed on our over indulgence with food. The problem of overeating unconsciously is partly to blame in society's rising struggle against obesity and it's related health problems.

The other factor concerns our perception of the life that we live in society. Our eating habits are not controlled by our needs directly but by our minds as well. Coping with the psychological urgency to binge is a problem for most young adults going through the stages of socially induced anxieties and clinical depression. A stress related environment can be partially be credited to our eating problems and can cause all sorts of deviated psychological eating disorders ranging from anorexia to over eating.

This e-book will tackle a wide range of alternatives on how to loose those unwanted fats that have made your body into it's permanent residence. Most of the methods that will be used to achieve these goals are based in the philosophy of Zen. Zen is a discipline of the mind and a state of non-being. It is considered a detachment from the normal perception in how we live life in this modern day society, which is a torment to the human spirit. The idealism of this method will be that of the flow of the natural aspect of things coinciding with the natural divine principles of nature.

Our struggles in this society constrict the flow of our natural thoughts that have led us far away from our divine principles in life as human beings. Our struggles are from within ourselves and in our mind, taunted by social deviations that involve the rules of life in our society today. Facing these struggles are just part of our daily burden to find contentment and self worth in order to be happily accepted in the society that we live on. It is a battle against our mind from within our consciousness to find “contentment” rather that pursue the fabricated joys of social living.

This e-book will guide you on how to achieve weight loss without using any kind of supplement whether that be natural or synthetic, but, it does recommend the use of natural organic health supplements to help you in dealing with psychological downsides or mood swings which frequently occur when undergoing a diet program. Remember dear readers, it is all in the mind on how we perceive our understanding of the concept of fulfillment, happiness and contentedness from a simple point of view.

22 October
Fred Jacob

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