Think Big
- £4.49
- £4.49
Publisher Description
The terminology "Think Big" is a contemporary expression (and exhortation) for us to think outside the box as well as to achieve significant goals. It is worthy to note that 'Thinking Big' often produces a myriad of benefits for ourselves and our communities, and enduring rewards tend to follow this kind of thinking.
The authors in this book live up to a high standard of accomplishment in the attainment of their objectives. These are the CelebrityExperts® who can lead the way for the reader. By taking a leaf out of their book, we can be guided towards our goals and save countless hours by learning to master the art of 'Thinking Big.'
Most of us wish to improve our lives, that of our loved ones and our community. We also want to achieve BIG objectives. It is far easier to do so if we learn to 'follow the stars' and Think Big.
In the context of Thinking Big, Napoleon Hill stated: "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."