Where Do Diggers Celebrate Christmas?
- £4.49
- £4.49
Publisher Description
If you love Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night? and its things-that-go sequels, now you can join your favorite trucks as they celebrate Christmas!
What do diggers and tractors and forklifts and tankers do to get ready for the holidays? The same things that your family does! From trimming the tree and singing carols to gathering gifts and putting out milk and cookies for Santa, Christmastime for the beloved vehicles of Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night? looks a lot like yours. Even Zambonis celebrate . . . on ice! Enjoy the rollicking rhymes as you watch the truck families prepare for Santa and even help pull his sleigh! Children who can't get enough of trucks will love Brianna Caplan Sayres's things-that-go holiday story.

In the fourth of her vehicle-themed series, Sayres theorizes how different types of trucks forklifts, mixers, cranes, tanker trucks, and others might celebrate Christmas. She writes in pleasantly rhyming verse: "Where do tractors celebrate Christmas/ after plowing row by row?" Slade's artwork shows the bright-eyed, anthropomorphic trucks hanging Christmas decorations, sipping eggnog, and cuddling up beneath mistletoe. All the trucks celebrate together at a snowy construction site until, finally, the trucks come closer to home, appearing toy-size under a tree. Beyond the playful depictions of trucks indulging in Christmas cheer, readers might especially enjoy details about the heavy lifting the trucks do during their day's work. Ages 3 7.