
Violence, War, Revolution: Marinetti's Concept of a Futurist Cleanser for the World (Essay) Violence, War, Revolution: Marinetti's Concept of a Futurist Cleanser for the World (Essay)
"Animale Irrequieto E Impazientissimo": Naturalismo E Moralita in Alberti, Machiavelli E Bruno. "Animale Irrequieto E Impazientissimo": Naturalismo E Moralita in Alberti, Machiavelli E Bruno.
The Inferno of Dante (The Divine Comedy, Vol. 1: Inferno) (Book Review) The Inferno of Dante (The Divine Comedy, Vol. 1: Inferno) (Book Review)
Wyatt and Petrarch: Italian Fashion at the Court of Henry Viii (Sir Thomas Wyatt) (Critical Essay) Wyatt and Petrarch: Italian Fashion at the Court of Henry Viii (Sir Thomas Wyatt) (Critical Essay)
The Italian Epic's English Pantheon (Morgante: The Epic Adventures of Orlando and His Giant Friend Morgante) (Book Review) The Italian Epic's English Pantheon (Morgante: The Epic Adventures of Orlando and His Giant Friend Morgante) (Book Review)
Boccaccio's Teseida: The Breakdown of Difference and Ritual Sacrifice (Critical Essay) Boccaccio's Teseida: The Breakdown of Difference and Ritual Sacrifice (Critical Essay)