
The Loveologist Guide to Cheating: Secrets to Why People Cheat and How to Prevent Cheating (Report) The Loveologist Guide to Cheating: Secrets to Why People Cheat and How to Prevent Cheating (Report)
Beyond Monogamy:Lessons from Long-Term Male Couples in Non-Monogamous Relationships (Case Study) Beyond Monogamy:Lessons from Long-Term Male Couples in Non-Monogamous Relationships (Case Study)
The Effects of a Human Sexuality Course on College Students' Sexual Attitudes and Perceived Course Outcomes (Report) The Effects of a Human Sexuality Course on College Students' Sexual Attitudes and Perceived Course Outcomes (Report)
Sweet 16 and Never Been Kissed? Experiences from a Longitudinal Norwegian Study (Report) Sweet 16 and Never Been Kissed? Experiences from a Longitudinal Norwegian Study (Report)
Men's Success in Online Cruising for Male Sexual Partners (Report) Men's Success in Online Cruising for Male Sexual Partners (Report)
Sexuality Education in Greek Schools: Student Experience and Recommendations (Report) Sexuality Education in Greek Schools: Student Experience and Recommendations (Report)