
The Qur'an in Its Historical Context (Book Review) The Qur'an in Its Historical Context (Book Review)
A Reflection on Two Qur'anic Words (Iblis and Judi), With Attention to the Theories of A. Mingana. A Reflection on Two Qur'anic Words (Iblis and Judi), With Attention to the Theories of A. Mingana.
From Codicology to Technology: Islamic Manuscripts and Their Place in Scholarship (Book Review) From Codicology to Technology: Islamic Manuscripts and Their Place in Scholarship (Book Review)
Volkstumliche Astronomie Im Islamischen Mittelalter: Zur Bestimmung Der Gebetszeiten Und Der Qibla Bei Al-Asbahi, Ibn Rahiq and Al-Farisi (Book Review) Volkstumliche Astronomie Im Islamischen Mittelalter: Zur Bestimmung Der Gebetszeiten Und Der Qibla Bei Al-Asbahi, Ibn Rahiq and Al-Farisi (Book Review)
Early Southeast Asia: Selected Essays by O. W. Wolters (Book Review) Early Southeast Asia: Selected Essays by O. W. Wolters (Book Review)
Elementa Linguae Copticae: Grammaire Inedite Du XVW Siecle (Book Review) Elementa Linguae Copticae: Grammaire Inedite Du XVW Siecle (Book Review)