Brandeis Library of Modern Jewish Thought

David Ellenson and Others
Series • 11 Books • Philosophy
Hermann Cohen Hermann Cohen
Samuel Moyn & Robert S. Schine
Hasidism Hasidism
Ariel Evan Mayse & Sam Berrin Shonkoff
American Jewish Thought Since 1934 American Jewish Thought Since 1934
Michael Marmur & David Ellenson
Spinoza’s Challenge to Jewish Thought Spinoza’s Challenge to Jewish Thought
Daniel B. Schwartz
Jews and Diaspora Nationalism Jews and Diaspora Nationalism
Simon Rabinovitch
Modern Middle Eastern Jewish Thought Modern Middle Eastern Jewish Thought
Moshe Behar & Zvi Ben-Dor Benite
On the Edge of the Holocaust On the Edge of the Holocaust
Edna Aizenberg
Jews and Race Jews and Race
Mitchell B. Hart
Modern French Jewish Thought Modern French Jewish Thought
Sarah Hammerschlag
Jewish Legal Theories Jewish Legal Theories
Leora Batnitzky & Yonatan Brafman