Building a House: The Perspective from the Foundation Building a House: The Perspective from the Foundation

Building a House: The Perspective from the Foundation

Publisher Description

Building a house is exactly the same as building a relationship. A house and a relationship both require a strong foundation. Before one can contribute to building a foundation with someone else, he or she must build their own individual foundation. Two individual foundations equal a strong foundation. Our learning lessons from our experiences are a part of our individual foundations. In this book you will learn how to address your emotions, shift your perspective on all (Positive & Negative) of your experiences and learn the lessons within your experiences. By shifting your perspective and learning the lessons, you will be able to create "Foundational-Questions" to determine compatibility with another individual. You will also learn the difference between "Foundational & Surface Questions". Additionally, you will learn the difference between a "Foundation" relationship (Deep) & a "Surface" relationship (Shallow).

"Society" utilizes "Surface Questions" to develop compatibility; which leads you to Day 30 asking yourself, "Who are you? What happened to the person I met on Day 1?" My "Foundational Questions" will have you saying, "Who are you?" on Day 1 and on Day 30 you will say, "I sure am glad you're the same person I met on Day 1."

"Society" is too focused on boxing people in and applying labels, that many people forgot that we are all individuals. Labels aren't applicable to individuals. This book approaches relationships from the perspective of an individual not a man or a heterosexual, but an individual with a different perspective on Life.

The overall objective for this book is for people to realize all their answers are within and to separate themselves from "Bass-Ackwards Society". This is an equal opportunity book that focuses on the internal (Individuals) and not the external (Genders, sexual orientations, nationalities, or ages)

Health & Well-Being
2 January
Maceo NeSmith III

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