Christianity - The Simple Made Impossible Christianity - The Simple Made Impossible

Christianity - The Simple Made Impossible

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Publisher Description

Based on Scriptual truths and the history of past Christian Faith Revivals, has lead the author to believe that the greatest Christian revival is about to happen. God wants it; mankind needs it; and the second coming of Christ cannot eventuate until the earthly church is cleansed, united and recognizes and preaches the supreme truth of God's Holy Book, and follows without hesitation the laws and commandments as handed down directly from God and confirmed by His Son Jesus Christ.This means that there will be no dominant denomination only a group of true Christians who will forgo their doctrines and worship again the true living God, His Son Jesus Christ and the promised helper, the Holy Spirit. These true followers will obey to the letter the commandments and laws, and fight to regain the territory already given to Satan without a murmur. Preachers of the Faith, without question, will have to preach, Christ Jesus and him crucified!Looking back in history, we see moments where the mighty hand of God moved in and through men like John Wesley, George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon, learn prayfulness from E. M. Bounds, and look at what John Bunyan suffered for his faith. But they by their dedication saw and were part of the American and English revival of the Christian Faith. From 1720 until 1750. America witnessed a revival, again in 1795 until 1835 the second revival occurred. Men who have not madethe recorded history of Christianity, but on September the 23rd, 1857 a man named Jeremiah Samphier a humble city missionary in New York suggested a prayer meeting, 6 people attended the first, the next week 20, and the next 40 and by the end of six months 50,000 were attending lunch time prayer meetings in New York alone, and this was instrumental in leading into the Great American Awakening which added one million people to the American Christian Church.What of the little shoemaker who on that cold and blizzard filled Sunday morning challenged the young Charles Hadden Spurgeon who became one of the greatest preaches of God's true doctrine, who remembers him, but certainly he was the instrument used by God to bring Spurgeon into the true flock and the rest is history. This book endeavors to prove that once the Christian community takes up the challenge and shows some interest in recapturing all those battles and regions which Satan has captured, the all powerful God will supply all that is needed to defeat evil and establish a Church worthy to meet the Bridegroom. Physical size is not a complication only spiritual size and overpowering faith are the needs to be achieved.The earlier revivals in England saw the two spirit filled preachers, John Wesley and GeorgeWhitfield, who were never able to agree on some of their individual beliefs but who still were blest by God and brought many thousands of lost sheep into Christ's fold. We, as the modern day planters of the seed must learn there is no way God will take the responsibility of extending the human Church on earth, this responsibility is ours, we must get back to the basic commandments and laws of the Almighty God but must do them and preach them and those who are the present leaders of the flocks must not only live in a manner which not only glorifies His name, but will live the example as Jesus set us when he was on earth.In 1739, George Whitefield said, "I love those that thunder out the word! The Christian world is in a deep sleep. Nothing but a loud voice can waken them out of it." Although not there then I am here and now find that the Christian Church has been lulled into that selfsame complacency, but I rejoice and praise God, for not long after Whitefield said this God instigated the 18th., century revival, I am lead to believe what goes around comes around. Church congregations are not only responsible for what happens in their Church , but also the behaviour of the community around them. It is of no value to God to have a dedicated congregation of 100 and have a riotous commun

Religion & Spirituality
2 September