Dare To Take A Path Less Traveled Dare To Take A Path Less Traveled

Dare To Take A Path Less Traveled

Finding your way to success in a new world

Herve Gnidehoue and Others
    • 13,99 €
    • 13,99 €

Publisher Description

Dare to Take a Path Less Traveled is Herve Erudite Gnidehoue’s memoir based primarily on his first decade as an immigrant in the United States. In a personal narrative that plumbs the full gamut of emotions, Gnidehoue recounts how he left his parents and his native country of Benin and ventured to a land where he knew almost no one. Like millions before him who have embarked on the journey to America, he arrived to confront the realities of this new land, but his dogged determination to succeed gives new definition to the American Dream.

Thrust into a world where he had to adapt quickly to this new reality, Gnidehoue strove to find a way to support himself while pursuing his dreams. His memoir is a must-read for anyone curious about the challenges and hardships that lurk when one leaves behind everything familiar and sets foot in an entirely different society to start anew. Along the way, Gnidehoue tackles economic, political, and social issues of his adoptive country. In some, he finds promise; others skew anywhere from repressive to tribalistic to downright primitive. Nevertheless, his gratitude for his new country is unequivocal.

The reader will also be transported to the heartland of the African continent, where the author exposes some of the arcane and eerie traditions and rituals of an area that remains a mystery to most people in the West and the rest of the world. Gnidehoue answers many questions for the curious mind.

Whether in Africa or the New World, the author finds that the old saying applies: All roads lead to Rome. As the book’s title suggests, Herve Erudite Gnidehoue believes that all paths can lead to success, but you have to put aside the fear of failure and take serious risks with no safety net in order to reach your goals. You must first define what success is for you, and choose your path accordingly. Yours may be different from that of a friend or anyone else, for that matter. Dare yourself! As you follow your road map to success, you’ll cross uncharted territory, and some of the sacrifices you’ll make may be challenging. This is no reason to give up! Instead, urges Gnidehoue, dare to take a path less traveled.

In the two penultimate chapters, he has shared by his very own assessment, the most emotionally grueling and trying moment in his life. The lessons learned from that ordeal have made him a better and more aware man with regard to relationships, mental illnesses, and also gratitude in life.

Finally, he has shared his views about the social and political current state of affairs in the United States. Analyzing things from an independent’s perspective, he has given an unbiased opinion and urged his fellow citizens to stay vigilant and humble and not to take for granted the peace and stability that have made the US arguably the beacon that it is.

19 November
Beyond Bailiwick Publishing