No Plan B No Plan B

Publisher Description

The church is an unstoppable force, prevailing against hell itself.

The church is a dynamic kingdom community, chosen to establish God’s reign on

The church is God’s plan A to bring transformation and holistic healing to the
world’s most complex challenges. There is no plan B.

Many churches today struggle to relate to the first century church, the ecclesia established by Jesus Christ. Similarly, Christ’s original mandate to “make disciples” is hardly recognizable in modern church culture.

Yet this command to make disciples is the core mission of the church, the single strategy given by Christ to bring the kingdom of God to our broken world. Disciple making begins outside the walls of the church in our communities, our places of work and our schools. As we journey together toward Christ, we discover that we grow by helping others grow. As we live for others and help them grow toward Christ, we ourselves are conformed into His likeness.

This mandate to make disciples extends to our children and youth, often overlooked as participants in this great commission. While many assume children have no role to play in Christ’s call to make disciples, research confirms that children and youth are a powerful and effective mission force in the nations, an underestimated demographic in the church that desperately needs to be activated and empowered.

No Plan B is a call for every person in the ecclesia of Christ, 11 years and up, to live not just for themselves but also for their neighbors. It is a call to be “your brother’s keeper” and bring the kingdom of God to YOUR community by restoring the disciple making movement Jesus Christ began 2000 years ago.

Religion & Spirituality
27 March
Pome Press

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