Ontological Ideas About the Holy Spirit in the Early Church Ontological Ideas About the Holy Spirit in the Early Church

Ontological Ideas About the Holy Spirit in the Early Church

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Publisher Description

Ontological Ideas About the Holy Spirit in the Early Church by Robert Alan King is a booklet with over 4,600 words. This book will focus on the ontological ideas about the Spirit that we can identify among five of the most prominent early church fathers following the apostolic age, including Ignatius, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Origen. King discusses how they agree on many basic theological aspects about God in three persons, but that they also maintain some differences, including the relationship of the Spirit within the Trinity. Though the focus is primarily on their ontological dimensions of the Spirit in the Godhead, this requires some exploration into the economic activities of the Spirit in order to express and describe his existence as a distinct person. It also demands some discussion regarding the Father and the Son in order to further define the Spirit. Robert Alan King is an ordained minister through Calvary Chapel.

Religion & Spirituality
8 May
Robert Alan King
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