Point Meridian: Men Entering the Zone Point Meridian: Men Entering the Zone

Point Meridian: Men Entering the Zone

    • 2,49 €
    • 2,49 €

Publisher Description

You’ve reached POINT MERIDIAN, the transition ‘zone’ for men experiencing a decline in testosterone, clinically referred to as Andropause. The recent deluge of high-profile scandals involving rich and powerful men—committing less than scrupulous acts—has prompted global inquiry into the state of masculinity. In an age of infidelity and unconscious perversion, have these unsuspecting entertainers, athletes and the politically ‘incorrect’ lost their moral compass? Or, is the inexplicable behavior representative of a larger issue that’s been swept under the rug far too long?

Medical professionals are beginning to align their beliefs that Andropause—the condition resulting from declining testosterone levels—not only exists, but has become one of the most challenging transitions in a man’s life. It has been estimated by some researchers that as many as 25 million men in the United States, between the ages of 35 – 65, have entered the zone completely unaware and its wreaking havoc in their lives and those whom they love.

The journey through the zone can profoundly affect every aspect of a man’s life—physical, psychological, interpersonal, social and spiritual. Living recklessly becomes a way of escape for some and they may become involved in scandalous affairs with younger women, excessive drinking or drug use, increased social activities, engagement in more risky behavior or go to extremes to alter their looks to appear more youthful. The urge to dissolve a marriage, abandon the children or look for a new career is not uncommon for men inside the zone. Uncharacteristic behavior can also occur ranging from mild mood swings to depression and even suicide.

The short list of symptoms include, but are not limited to: irritability, fatigue, unhappiness, anger, crying, decreased muscle mass and strength, decreased libido, not interested in sex (with your wife, that is), erectile dysfunction, hot flashes, brain fog, growing breasts. Yeah, I hear you, Dude. I’m never gonna enter the zone; it won’t happen to me! Now hear this: Though symptoms of Andropause will vary with each man, no one is exempt from the journey.

POINT MERIDIAN begins a discussion about the perplexing phenomenon and examines how men respond to the change. The GOOD NEWS! Andropause is a treatable condition. Medical and mental health professionals agree that men can succeed into second adulthood as healthier, wiser and more accomplished human beings.

3 July
Jennifer Burton

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