Distributed Optimal Control of Large-Scale Wind Farm Clusters Distributed Optimal Control of Large-Scale Wind Farm Clusters
Wind Energy Engineering

Distributed Optimal Control of Large-Scale Wind Farm Clusters

Optimal Active and Reactive Power Control, and Fault Ride Through

Qiuwei Wu y otros
    • Pedido anticipado
    • Se espera: 1 mar 2025
    • USD 194.99
    • Pedido anticipado
    • USD 194.99

Descripción editorial

Distributed Optimal Control of Large-Scale Wind Farm Clusters: Optimal Active and Reactive Power Control, and Fault Ride Through, a new volume in the Elsevier Wind Energy Engineering series, explores the latest advances in distributed optimal control of large-scale wind farm clusters, also describing distributed optimal control techniques for high voltage ride through (HVRT). Both mathematical formulations and algorithm details are provided, along with MATLAB codes to replicate and implement distributed optimal control schemes. This is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the operation, control, and integration of wind power plants, wind farms, and electricity grids, both at research and operational levels.Researchers, faculty, scientists, engineers, R&D, and other industry professionals, as well as graduate and postgraduate students studying and working in wind energy will find this comprehensive resource a valuable addition to their work.

- Presents the latest developments in the distributed optimal control of large-scale wind power plant clusters

- Covers both active and reactive power control, as well as techniques for high voltage ride through (HVRT)

- Provides methodologies to follow set-points from system operators in order to maintain expected voltages

- Includes control algorithms and codes for implementing the control schemes

Ciencia y naturaleza
1 de marzo
Academic Press
Elsevier Ltd.
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