Midnight on the 18th Hole Midnight on the 18th Hole

Midnight on the 18th Hole

    • USD 3.99
    • USD 3.99

Descripción editorial

A tale of buried treasure, medieval monks, a ruined Abbey. Supernatural goings-on in the small hours of a ruined monastery.  All in the lawless Border Reivers area between Scotland and England at Melrose,  UK where historically cutthroats and thieves have operated since medieval times and buried their ill-gotten booty wherever they can, to avoid getting caught.   

The villagers of Swingle Matravers Dorset England forever on the lookout for money and wealth of all kinds to feather their own nests and help, Robin Hood-style, the rural poor of their village, get to hear of a fabulous fortune in buried coin, diamonds, trinkets plus other items from the middle ages and supposedly buried in a casket in a ruined abbey some 300 miles north of where they are in England.  Determined to get their hands on this fortune, the villagers "Committee for Wealth of Swingle Matravers" decide to go North in a search for the treasure. But they are not the only ones on the hunt for treasure.  A group from Melrose where the abbey is have got hold of the story and the police are very suspicious of all this midnight activity too.   

The treasure hunters from Swingle Matravers Dorset get entangled in a wild 'goose chase, going from the Abbey to a Golf Course at midnight, and ending at the Royal Yacht Britannia moored at Leith Docks in Edinburgh in their increasingly desperate search for the treasure. 

Will the group of local villagers comprising a pig farmer, butcher, pharmacist, masseur, and teacher, and several others from the village succeed in their hapless quest. Or will it all come to nothing and they return empty-handed to Dorset to report failure?     Time is short and the stakes are high.  Read on to find what happens. 

Midnight on the 18th Hole is the third book in the trilogy of the adventures of the group of villagers from Swingle Matravers Dorset.  The first two,  LOTTERY MANIA and DANCING LEDGE books are still fully available on this platform and on Amazon.  Join the villagers in both books for further hilarious money making adventures. 

Please note no reference to any person living or dead is intended in this book.   Both real and fictional locations are used. The moral right of the author is asserted. 

Ficción y literatura
20 de julio
Brian George
Draft2Digital, LLC
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