War of Wolves: Part 3 War of Wolves: Part 3

War of Wolves: Part 3

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Descripción editorial

Having narrowly escaped death at the hands of the wolfkind, Zora and Torvin find themselves drawn ever deeper into the palace intrigues of Koldergard.  There are mysteries that lurk just below the surface of events, questions that need answers.  Why have the wolves lain siege to Koldergard?  What drives them on in their mad quest to conquer?  Who is the mysterious Tinegal, and what role does he play in their newfound aggression?

As alliances new and old force their hands, Zora and Torvin must divine the answers, or face the certain defeat of Koldergard…

Approximate Length: 10,400

Part three of a series


Somewhere in the distance, water struck stone.  A single drop, yet the sound reverberated through the darkness of the cave.  Startlingly loud in the relative silence, the echoes played at the edge of Tinegal's awareness.  His attention was focused on the dark outline that shifted uncomfortably in front of him, hidden in the shadows.

The silence was unbearable.  Tinegal's report on the events of the night before had finished, and he remained silent, waiting for the other party to respond.  He knew that every movement between them was deliberate.  As the interminable moment stretched onward, he felt sweat bead on his brow, despite his best efforts at control.  The silence continued, intended to make him uneasy.  Though he did not want to admit it to himself, it was working.

The outline opposite him shifted once more in the shadows.  When it spoke, the voice was smooth and pleasant.  If Tinegal had been naive, he would have missed the hidden elements of menace behind the facade.

'So despite your best efforts at planning, they still failed?'

Tinegal bowed his head, communicating the appropriate degree of shame.  It was an easy act to play out, since he genuinely felt the emotion.  He had been down this path before, and though it was always uncomfortable, he knew what responses were required of him.

'I apologize, my lord.  I...'

'I am not interested in apologies.'

Tinegal swallowed hard.  If the words had been shouted in rage, there was little chance he could have found them more intimidating.  Something about the retrained, factual delivery chilled him to the bone.

Ciencia ficción y fantasía
25 de abril
Carrie Glass
Draft2Digital, LLC
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