Young and Free: Usable Knowledge For A Better Future Young and Free: Usable Knowledge For A Better Future

Young and Free: Usable Knowledge For A Better Future

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Descripción editorial

With my book, Young and Free, I try to help the younger generations first, but it is not set in stone that forbidden to read for olders, or that it contains no new knowledge for them, and that they cannot learn anything from it. This book, which is unique both in its themes and in its style, is recommended to everyone who still has the youthful drive, the desire to evolve and to learn and the hope for a better and fuller life.

In the book, freedom is the central motif, because I believe that this is what everyone wants in life. I think that ultimately we are all search for freedom and independence. In my book, I try to encourage the youth, the members of today's generations x, y and z, to try to formulate what exactly freedom means to them, if they haven't defined it yet. Until we have clarified this ourselves, it is almost completely unnecessary to set goals, since it is not certain that they will really be the goals that we really need to achieve.

The objective is important, but it is even more important to define the reasons. The reason for the goal itself, that why I want to get there. I see that for many youngsters today it is not completely clear. They simply do not know where they are going, they do not know what awaits them, what to expect from their future, and what is worse, many young people simply do not have any goals and plans at all regarding their later life.

I hope that with my book I can help young people to be able to determine over time what freedom means for them and also that they will believe, that really can achieve it with the help of what is described in the book. I'm trying to do this by presenting the fields in which, if they make progress, they can be truly successful, happy and, at the same time, freer.

My book was created by combining my experiences from my own life and what I learned at school during my sociological studies. It is mostly aimed at young people, but I also tried to ensure that, even though it mainly addresses the young generations (x,y,z), the target audience is not only them, but anyone who feels like to read it. In addition to making you think, motivate and teach, the book is also extremely entertaining.

Besides encouraging to learning and self-improvement, you can read great quotes and you can also find some social criticism in it, but the book itself is not politicized, but it does discuss current topics.

Such topics are, for example, the education system, the acquisition of useful knowledge through the right study teqhnics, responsibility and maturity, and the pursuit of a sporty and healthy life.

25 de febrero
Tom Miko
Draft2Digital, LLC
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