The Compelling Power of Sin and How to Be Free from It
- HUF1,490.00
- HUF1,490.00
Publisher Description
Every man on earth experiences the struggle with sin that which I will, I do not; that which I do I hate. Many have been completely overcome and have given up striving with sin. These know they are sinners and are not struggling not to be. Others have short victories, usually interspersed with long defeats. Many Christians, when they gave their lives to Christ, never anticipated what turned out to be long battles with sin. Some are disappointed in themselves because of their inability to overcome sin.
These battles partly come from an improper understanding of the nature of the enemy. Sin can be overcome, but it requires knowledge and cooperation with God. This book attempts to show that sin is not just about what we do, but who we are. Using the Word of God, it demonstrates that sin can be overcome, not by recourse to human strength, but by taking on the nature of Jesus, who is Gods provision for an overcoming life.