The Complete Works of J. C. Ryle (ESV Bible Reference Included) The Complete Works of J. C. Ryle (ESV Bible Reference Included)

The Complete Works of J. C. Ryle (ESV Bible Reference Included‪)‬

    • HUF699.00
    • HUF699.00

Publisher Description

Be swept away by one of the most influential writers of the 19th century! J. C. Ryle's works have been changing lives for over 100 years, and he still speaks to the heart and soul of every reader. His straightforward writing style and gentle, loving tone, make him as readable today as he was in his own lifetime. Ryle tackles difficult issues with grace and kindness while providing an excellent examination of his subject or text that engages the scholar and layman alike. There are many wonderful facets to Ryle's works, but Ryle's love and knowledge of Jesus Christ leaps off of the page, and each work is filled with the same Christ-centeredness that characterized his life. His works are deep, concise, and thought provoking, but most of all, they point you to Christ and help you know and love Him better.

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Commentary on Matthew

Ryle's Commentary on Matthew will point you to Christ and the power of the gospel. Not only will you hear of Christ in this work, you will know Him better because of it. Perfect for sermon preparation or personal devotions, this commentary will bless your spiritual life and make you marvel at the beauty of the gospel.

"I have found Ryle's, Expository Thoughts on the Gospels, to be a rich experience in my devotional life on a daily basis." -Robert


Commentary on Mark

Ryle's Commentary on Mark clearly presents the gospel and will make you look at the life of Christ in a new way. Ryle's conversational tone makes this commentary perfect for reading aloud in family devotions or in a small group. You and your family will greatly benefit from the wisdom of Ryle as he expounds the gospel from the book of Mark.

"This is why God gives teachers to the church! It is worth your time and energy." -A. Sutono


Commentary on Luke

Volumes 1 and 2

This two-volume set makes the majesty of Christ shine through on every page. Ryle's love of his Savior and his thirst to know Christ better saturate the text, making these works a priceless addition to any library. Experience the gospel story like never before!

"Another gem from Mr. Ryle! His humble and learned approach is very helpful. He splits meat from the bone. Get it while you can!-Robert Mosteller


Commentary on John

Volume 1, 2 and 3

"A religion that costs nothing is worth nothing! A cheap Christianity, without a cross, will prove in the end a useless Christianity, without a crown," comments J.C. Ryle. In this amazing 3-volume commentary on John, Ryle shows the necessity of the cross to the Christian faith and leaves you speechless from the glory and power of the gospel.

"Every preacher should own this! Ryle provoked my thinking and gave me some important expository thoughts, and that's exactly what the preacher needs." -Marc



One of the best works on holiness and discipleship, J.C. Ryle's Holiness has helped thousands of Christians to have a closer walk with God. Ryle combines exegesis with extremely practical insights on living the Christian life. His writing touches the core of who we are and shows us who we can become in Christ. This exemplary work will inspire you to take up your cross and follow our Lord.

"This book is THE BEST work on the Christian life I have ever read!" ~ Jonathan

"Holiness is an incredibly rich, valuable, readable resource for any Christian who wants to truly grow in his or her walk with the Lord. Highly recommended!" ~ Amazon reviewer


Knots Untied

Knots Untied is J.C. Ryle's systematic defense of Christianity, and it is considered by many to be his greatest work. In it, Ryle staunchly supports the evangelical faith, providing the reader with deep theological truths and explaining why these truths are so vital to the Christian life and worldview. Ryle's work is a rich treasure that has and will continue to bless its readers.

"Knots Untied is a veritable treasure for anyone who is looking for theological red meat." ~ Chris Pierce

"Throughout this book, Ryle's convictions are set forth in a gracious and kind Christian attitude of love for those that disagree with him." ~ Bill


A Call To Prayer

Do you ever wonder how to pray, why you should pray, if you are praying enough, or if God is really listening? Then this book by J.C. Ryle is for you! Marvel anew at the privileges given to God's children as Ryle's warm, candid teachings on prayer inspire you to pray with renewed boldness and fervency.

"This book is beautifully written and powerful. It will change your perspective on prayer and the power behind prayer. Read A Call to Prayer to change your life! ~ Laura

"This book is challenging, convicting, comforting, and concise. It is the best book on prayer I have ever read!" ~ K. McCauley


Principles for Churchmen

J.C. Ryle tackles difficult issues with grace and forthrightness in his book, Principles for Churchmen. Not just for pastors, this work is for anyone searching for answers to serious questions about the church and Christianity in general. Ryle answers these questions in his typical candid style and, above all, seeks to point the reader to the gospeland to Christ. The truths contained in this work will help scholar and layman alike to better understand the Bible and its teachings.

"One of the best books I've ever read! The book was written over a century ago, but remains highly readable and relevant. I doubt that any studious reader could fail to find great benefit from it." ~ Peter

"I found this book a tremendous blessing. Every page is full of encouraging and convicting truth. I found it affected my thoughts and prayer life and gave me a greater hunger and thirst for righteousness!" ~ Stephen Jones


The Duties of Parents

J.C. Ryle's book on parenting, The Duties of Parents, is second to none in its depth and points of practical application. This book focuses on raising godly children and being a godly parent and will motivate you to have a God-centered relationship with your child. Ryle's teaching style is easy to understand and his content is still relevant for parents today, making this a wonderful tool for any parent.

"This is 
a must read for every parent who seeks to raise their children in the instruction of the Lord. I highly recommend this! It is powerful." ~ Danielle Montgomery

"I cannot praise this work enough. It 
contains timeless truths because it is based on God's wisdom. Ryle perfectly balances love and discipline in this approach to raising godly children. Those who truly seek biblical parenting should not be without this book!" ~ Kathleen

"This is 
a book you'll want to read over and over again." ~ Amazon Reviewer


The Christian Leaders of the Last Century

This astounding biographical account examines the lives and ministries of eleven theological giants during the evangelical awakenings of the 18th century. The lives of these men of faith will encourage and challenge you as you see how God has used them to do mighty works for his kingdom. George Whitefield, John Wesley, Augustus Toplady, Daniel Rowlands, and others are vibrantly portrayed and their contributions to the church and the world are excellently highlighted. Be inspired by these remarkable saints!

"This book is a classic! Ryle was a great Christian writer, soul-winner and preacher, and his biographies of Whitefield, Wesley and Rowlands are truly profound and uplifting. Bravo!" ~ Al Ellefson

"A most outstanding and excellent read, and Ryle's writing is alive with the Word of God and the intensity of the Puritans. Wonderfully written, challenging, yet encouraging to the heart." ~ Dan Panetti

"A moving and endearing book!" ~ Amazon reviewer


Home Truths

This book is a collection of several hundred of J.C. Ryle's tracts, all of which exemplify his faithful witness to the gospel of Christ. Ryle's clear, concise language makes him easy to read and understand. He is unflinching in his theology and in his love for those who disagree with him. Ryle was a wonderful preacher and teacher, and his works are treasures for the saints.

"This book is amazing! Reading this work will give you a better life and a closer walk with God." ~ C. Haney

"Readers of this book will get a greater sense of awe for our Creator and see the blessings of His matchless grace and mercy!"~ Angela


Selected Works of J.C. Ryle

Find answers to some of the biggest spiritual questions in life through this collection of sermons and tracts by the estimable J.C. Ryle. Titles include:

Are You An Heir?

Faith And Assurance

Are You Asleep?

Are You Born Again?

Having The Spirit


Are You Fighting?

Are You Looking?

Gospel Treasures

Are You Ready?

Free Salvation

Are We Sanctified?

… and many more!

"Of all the authors I have read, no one has influenced my life like J.C. Ryle. His writings give the perfect balance of law and grace and will help you to understand the Christian life better and more deeply. I am very thankful for the writings of this man. He is one of the greatest Christian writers of the 20th century!" ~ Tony Reinke


Can There Be Unity and Other Sermons

Enjoy these uplifting and excellent sermons by one of the most influential pastors of the nineteenth century. Sermons include:

Can There Be Unity?


Christ Crucified

Our Souls!

Come Out and Be Ye Separate

Our Profession

Christ In The Sickroom

Peace, Be Still

Christ's Power To Save

Practical Religion

… and many more!

"J. C. Ryle can be understood by anyone. His works here are excellent food for Christians, whether new to the faith or mature believers. He does not pull any punches and makes us realize that our Lord Jesus Christ and no other is worthy of our praise and trust. These works are a gem. Turn off the television and read J.C. Ryle!"~ R. Smith


No Uncertain Sound and Other Sermons

Thesechallenging and encouraging sermons by J.C Ryle are perfect for private devotions or for reading aloud with your family. Sermons include:

No Uncertain Sound

Is Thy Heart Right?

Is it Real?


Many Shall Come

How To Be Saved

Do You Believe?

Do You Confess?

Do You Pray?

One Blood

Hold Fast


… and many more!

"J.C. Ryle demonstrates why he is a lasting influence on Christianity with his timeless writing. He is easy to understand, and his passion is clear through his writing. The world needs more people like Ryle who are committed to reading and cherishing God's word." ~ T. Costine


Simplicity in Preaching and Other Sermons

This collection of sermons by J.C. Ryle covers a wide range of topics and is perfect for new and mature believers alike. Sermon titles include:

Simplicity In Preaching

The Power Of The Holy Spirit

The Ruler Of The Waves

Warnings To Churches

The Upper Room

The Inspiration Of The Bible

The Cross Of Christ

Why Were Reformers Burned?

The Heart

The Great Battle

… and many more!

"This is the antidote for "cold and dead" sermons. J.C. Ryle will keep your heart warm in this gospel-saturated, Christ-centered work. This is a superb example of what expository teaching ought to be. He stays with the text and mines its devotional treasures. It is literally worth its weight in gold!" ~ John B.


The Christian Race and Other Sermons

These inspiring and instructive sermons will keep you coming back for more! Sermons include:

The Christian Race

Regeneration I

Regeneration II

"Come unto Me"


The Character of the True Christian

The Privileges of the True Christian


… and many more!

"This book really speaks to the heart! I love the way Ryle appeals to every person with love and compassion. I felt like he was sitting in my living room, appealing to me to live for the Lord." ~ P. Krippner

Religion & Spirituality
19 March

More Books by J. C. Ryle

Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of John [Annotated, Updated] Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of John [Annotated, Updated]
Practical Religion Practical Religion
Tener al Espíritu Tener al Espíritu
Practical Religion Practical Religion
A Sketch of the Life and Labors of George Whitefield A Sketch of the Life and Labors of George Whitefield
Cristo en el Antiguo Testamento Cristo en el Antiguo Testamento