Shakespeare's Poems
Publisher Description
The complete collection of Shakespeare's six poems:
Venus and Adonis
Comic, sensual, bawdy and beautiful, this long poem tells of the desire of Venus, goddess of beauty and love, for the young Adonis, who would much rather be hunting, and its tragic end.
The Rape of Lucrece
Stately and somber, this long poem tells of the desire of Tarquin, Prince of Rome, for the chaste Lucrece, and his rape of her, and of how she comes to kill herself in her shame.
A Lover's Complaint
A young woman, seduced and abandoned by a charming man, rails against his falsity.
The Passionate Pilgrim
Most likely a pirated volume containing variants of some of Shakespeare’s sonnets, along with extracts from Love’s Labor’s Lost and poems by unknown authors, possibly by Shakespeare, others likely not.
The Phoenix and Turtle
An enigmatic poem about the constancy of love between a phoenix (a mythological bird) and a turtledove, likely with allegorical meanings we can no longer understand.
To the Queen
A short poem honoring her majesty, Queen Elizabeth.
Customer Reviews
anya’s review
Honestly, Shakespeare’s poems ini bener bener masterpiece. Bacaannya mungkin old-school, tapi pas udah masuk ke dalam, kerasa banget vibes romantic and deepnya. Dari soneta ke balada, semuanya kaya ngajak kita time travel ke era yang beda. His words—gila, so poetic dan kaya makna. Emang sih, bahasanya agak tricky, tapi kalau udah paham, it hits different banget. Untuk yang suka poetry atau lagi belajar nulis, wajib banget baca ini. Love the way Shakespeare bisa bikin words terasa powerful banget. Jadi, 5/5 for sure