The Law of Attraction Secrets: 7 Advanced Techniques to Powerfully Manifest and Attract the Health, Wealth, Love, Money and Relationships of Your Life
Time Management: 7 Simple Steps to Hack into the Productivity Habits of Successful People and Eliminate Bad Habits With Better Goal Setting, Focus and Mindset
NLP: Dark Psychology: Learn the Dark Secrets of Persuasion, Manipulation, Deception, Emotional Control, Brainwashing with the Power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Day Trading: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Create a Passive Income Stream from Home: Introduction to Trading Forex, Swing Trading, Futures, Stocks, ETFs and Options.
Migliorare La Memoria [Improve Memory]: L'apprendimento Accelerato E L'allenamento Del Cervello per Sbloccare La Memoria Illimitata [Accelerated Learning and Brain Training to Unlock Unlimited Memory] (Unabridged)
Meditazione Guidata Per L'ansia [Guided Meditation for Anxiety]: Abbandona I Pensieri, La Depressione E Le Preoccupazioni Con La Guarigione Emotiva (Unabridged)