
The Tyrone Anthology: Authority in the Last Act of Long Day's Journey Into Night. The Tyrone Anthology: Authority in the Last Act of Long Day's Journey Into Night.
"in Better Places": Space, Identity, And Alienation in Sarah Kane's Blasted. "in Better Places": Space, Identity, And Alienation in Sarah Kane's Blasted.
Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet): From Shakespearean Tragedy to Postmodern Satyr Play. Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet): From Shakespearean Tragedy to Postmodern Satyr Play.
The Trope of Transformation in Medea: A Noh Cycle. The Trope of Transformation in Medea: A Noh Cycle.
Striking a Pose: Performance Cues in Four French Hagiographic Mystery Plays ('la Vie Et Passion de Monseigneur Sainct Didier, Martir Et Evesque de Lengres,' 'Le Mystere de Saint Bernard de Menthon,' 'Le Mystere de Saint Crespin Et Saint Crespinien' and 'la Vie de Monseigneur Sainct Laurens Par Personnaiges') (Report) Striking a Pose: Performance Cues in Four French Hagiographic Mystery Plays ('la Vie Et Passion de Monseigneur Sainct Didier, Martir Et Evesque de Lengres,' 'Le Mystere de Saint Bernard de Menthon,' 'Le Mystere de Saint Crespin Et Saint Crespinien' and 'la Vie de Monseigneur Sainct Laurens Par Personnaiges') (Report)
Gimcracks Legacy: Sex, Wealth, And the Theater of Experimental Philosophy. Gimcracks Legacy: Sex, Wealth, And the Theater of Experimental Philosophy.