Myths and Mysteries Series

Sam Lowe and Others
Series • 22 Books • U.S. History
Myths and Mysteries of Kentucky Myths and Mysteries of Kentucky
Mimi O'malley
Mysteries and Legends of Utah Mysteries and Legends of Utah
Michael O'Reilly
Myths and Mysteries of New Hampshire Myths and Mysteries of New Hampshire
Matthew P. Mayo
Pennsylvania Myths and Legends Pennsylvania Myths and Legends
Kara Hughes
Wisconsin Myths & Legends Wisconsin Myths & Legends
Michael Bie
Michigan Myths and Legends Michigan Myths and Legends
Sally Barber
Great Smokies Myths and Legends Great Smokies Myths and Legends
Michael R. Bradley
Missouri Myths and Legends Missouri Myths and Legends
Josh Young
California Myths and Legends California Myths and Legends
Ray Jones
Idaho Myths and Legends Idaho Myths and Legends
Randy Stapilus