1 Newton 3 Laws of Motion 6 Simple Machines 3
Simple Machines 3
Publisher Description
Isaac Newton discovered how forces are related to motion. He summarized his discoveries in three laws that are known as Newton's Laws of Motion.
We will next uncover how one Sir Isaac Newton can apply the Three Laws of Motion using Six Simple Machines. It requires energy to make any machine work and we will explore the many forms of energy.
Energy comes in different forms -- heat (thermal), light (radiant), mechanical, electrical, chemical, and nuclear energy. Energy is in everything. We use energy to do everything we do, from making a jump shot to baking our favorite cookies to sending astronauts into space -- energy is there, making sure we have the power to do it all. There are two types of energy -- stored (potential) energy and working (kinetic) energy. For example, the food you eat contains chemical energy, and your body stores this energy until you release it when you work or play.