Publisher Description
1984 is a dystopian novel by George Orwell written in 1948, which follows the life of Winston Smith, a low ranking member of ‘the Party’, who is frustrated by the omnipresent eyes of the party, and its ominous ruler Big Brother.
‘Big Brother’ controls every aspect of people’s lives. It has invented the language ‘Newspeak’ in an attempt to completely eliminate political rebellion; created ‘Throughtcrimes’ to stop people even thinking of things considered rebellious. The party controls what people read, speak, say and do with the threat that if they disobey, they will be sent to the dreaded Room 101 as a looming punishment.
Orwell effectively explores the themes of mass media control, government surveillance, totalitarianism and how a dictator can manipulate and control history, thoughts, and lives in such a way that no one can escape it.
Customer Reviews
It is amazing how the author was able to fathom out the detail of the lie told by the state. It doesn’t matter what it is exactly, just that there is always some manipulation of the truth.
There are things we hold true today in the real world which are really as fictitious as Big Brother.
The reader would do well to figure out what they are.