Born to be You - Enjoying a Life free from Addiction Born to be You - Enjoying a Life free from Addiction
#2 - Addiction Recovery

Born to be You - Enjoying a Life free from Addiction

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Publisher Description

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has been the victim of an Addiction of some sort.

Having suffered extensively from an array of different Addictions. I have shared with you a variety of tools which can assist you on your journey to full and complete recovery. As an Addict would know, there is a constant challenge to stay on the "right road" and this book will certainly provide you with those tools.

25% of the world suffer from Emotional Health challenges of some sort, so there is no need to suffer in silence, or be ashamed of your Addiction and/or Emotional Instability.

There is no time like the present, to live your best life ever!!! I allowed the world to determine my worth, relying on substances to help me feel alive. Addictions such as: Bulimia nervosa; alcohol; drugs; nicotine; sugar and caffeine, which almost cost me my life. I was frantically trying to find purpose in all the wrong places. My burning desire to find myself and my soul-purpose on earth, became my life-long quest. I yearned for something greater that would fill the void, which I felt deep within my soul. Still, I knew that there was a much deeper meaning and purpose to my life, than what I had known it to be. I longed to find that special, "something" which would finally make me feel content and whole.

Emotional/Mental Health has often had negative connotations to it, which I believe may have hindered many sufferers' former desires for recovery. Emotional wellbeing should be just as important in maintaining, as for instance, one's physical health. My vision is to give a voice to the importance which Emotional Health has in our lives. There is absolutely no need to feel ashamed and there is certainly no need to suffer in silence. Hopefully by sharing my experiences, it will further assist others and hopefully prevent others from following suit. I believe that this is my life purpose which God has created me for, and I now obediently follow Him every day of my life.

I believe that I have travelled my journey, not only for my own life lessons, but to be able to assist others in their quests, as well. I believe that God has preserved me because of what is within me. He has preserved me for a greater purpose and I wholeheartedly believe that my purpose is to reach out and help each one of YOU!

I pray that I can be a positive, life changing force for others, inspiring them to live their lives to their absolute fullest, by being the very best versions of themselves. Ensuring that we live the life we were destined to live. Being free from living lives governed by consuming addictions which ultimately result in self-destruction, prison, institutions and ultimately death. For it is then, when my life's journey will be given meaning, knowing that I have survived and been able to share in my life lessons, by being able to assist YOU with yours.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has been the victim of an Addiction of some sort

Having suffered extensively from an array of different Addictions. I have shared with you a variety of tools which can assist you on your journey.

As an Addict would know, there is a constant challenge to stay on the "right road" and this book will certainly provide you with those tools.

25% of the world suffer from Emotional Health challenges of some sort, so there is no need to suffer in silence, or be ashamed of your Addiction and/or Emotional Instability.

There is no time like the present,

to live your best life ever!!!

Health & Well-Being
20 July
Shannon Patricia
Born to be You: Enjoying a Life free from Addiction Born to be You: Enjoying a Life free from Addiction
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Born to be You - The Most Difficult Lesson I had to Learn is I am Worth Recovery Born to be You - The Most Difficult Lesson I had to Learn is I am Worth Recovery
Born to be You - Enjoying a Life free from Eating Disorders Born to be You - Enjoying a Life free from Eating Disorders
Born to be You - Knowing When to Let Go Born to be You - Knowing When to Let Go
Born to be You - The Most Difficult Lesson I had to Learn is I am Worth Recovery Born to be You - The Most Difficult Lesson I had to Learn is I am Worth Recovery