Chasing the Chronicles of Childhood. Chasing the Chronicles of Childhood.

Chasing the Chronicles of Childhood‪.‬

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Publisher Description

In the rural regions of Greenland Manchester, a clergyman decided to send Melinda, his favorite daughter away to the city to obtain better education. However, with the swelling of her glory came Allan, a partner whom she fell for. Their paradoxical background was buried in unfathomed history but soon after getting married the taunting mystery insisted on sleeping no more.
Allan was as cold as the dead walking from the morgue but unless you were personally touched, that side was veiled. Melinda's heart was broken the moment she learned he had given their twin girls away. She gave up fighting after recognizing it was his propensity to act with cruelty.
After giving birth to Reggie - their fourth child - she watched as he grappled with the worst of Allan's evil nature. Reggie eventually broke the bars to freedom but no sooner discovered he was classed among the social outcast. Now his first step to true liberation began when he started Chasing the Chronicles of Childhood. Emerging evidence proved the disturbing elements to be that which followed the bloodline and Reggie was determined to detach himself, even if it was named the last attempt he made.
Smiles were veils for hidden scars but how far would they take him? And with death being a neighbourly companion, would it secure him sure escape? He concluded there had to be another way but with much effort, transforming pain into pleasure meant consciously creating darker days. Closing his eyes to the woeful world and its demands, he opened his mind to the prohibitions that were patiently waiting to pattern a path for his steps. Life boils down to a series of moments and in those moments are choices; decision that could affect life forever but destination remains his only gratification.

Life is given in black and white, this book really added unexpected shades to it - Dianne Russell.
I believe every young person should read this book, whether they have been through, going through or feel manipulated by life's forecast ahead - A.R Lee
Exceptional lessons carved by rich poetic lines and bloody truth that will take anyone to another level of vision - Victor Moore.

30 March
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